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A list of articles for professionals or founders just entering the innovation field who want to get acquainted with key concepts without getting too much into the weeds yet.

54 posts from Beginner See another: Hot Takes, Weak Signals, Strategy
Who wants to fuel Apple's critical mass?
January 19, 2024 by philippe in Beginner

Who wants to fuel Apple's critical mass?

Here is an interesting bit of news today if you want to understand better how digital platforms tick: following up on Netflix, YouTube (Google), and Spotify won't lift a finger to help Apple launch their new VisionPro mixed-reality headset next month. YouTube, Spotify, and some other popular apps...

🟢 How far can you lock in customers? The HP case
Members January 18, 2024 by philippe

🟢 How far can you lock in customers? The HP case

After about 25 years in various positions, I'm still surprised that executive teams would consider that taking customers hostage (politely referred to as 'locking in') would be a sound strategy. I cannot count the number of persons I've met and sometimes work with that...

Market segmentation? It's mostly a bad idea
January 16, 2024 by philippe in Strategy

Market segmentation? It's mostly a bad idea

If you think about it, the very notion of segmentation is quite weird. Market segments are supposed to be specific sub-groups of customers sharing some common traits or qualities that will behave the same in regard to your product. It's convenient for marketers as it makes their work...

Withings, a sleeping small giant?
December 5, 2023 by philippe in Hot Takes

Withings, a sleeping small giant?

Withings is a French consumer electronics company that was among the first to explore health and fitness-connected devices in a different way. Beyond creating the first WiFi scale in 2009 and later an FDA-cleared blood pressure monitor, for me, their most remarkable device is their watch. Withings Unveils a Slick...

🟢 Medness, the missing healthcare market
November 30, 2023 by philippe in Strategy

🟢 Medness, the missing healthcare market

As someone working in the healthcare market, as well as tech gadgets and luxury regularly, I couldn't help monitor the rise of fitness trackers for many years, well before the birth of the Apple Watch. Tech fitness has always been a glorified collection of gadgets at the intersection...

Spotlight Beginner