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Weak Signals

How to see markets beyond the curve, catch weak signals, and anticipate turnarounds to leverage change and disruptions

170 posts from Weak Signals
China might be on the brink of 'involution'
April 19, 2024 by philippe

China might be on the brink of 'involution'

The term "involution" has recently appeared more and more in China. At the core of the issue is China's manufacturing overcapacity issue, which has built over two decades of global trading with the West, and how it developed in a flood of cheap goods that benefit...

AI and journalism might not be that complicated after all
March 13, 2024 by philippe in AI

AI and journalism might not be that complicated after all

Zach Seward (editorial director of AI initiatives at The New York Times) just gave a a cogent and educated deep-dive on how artificial intelligence has been (mostly) ill-used by media up to now, and (in a few cases) remarkably well. AI news that’s fit to printHow news organizations are...

When your AI will not like Boeing anymore...
March 11, 2024 by philippe in AI

When your AI will not like Boeing anymore...

Kayak, the travel booking aggregator app, has been offering a filter for a few months now that allows you to include or exclude certain planes from your travel research. This means that a great number of customers have been more than happy to filter out the Boeing 737 Max. Some...

On wicked problems and when 'methods' become dangerous
March 10, 2024 by philippe

On wicked problems and when 'methods' become dangerous

I discovered a long, fantastically written, and deep article from 2019 on Design Thinking and the story of IDEO from x in 2019. At this point, you're probably bored to death by these discussions, and the few of you still using this methodology have understood its limits and...