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Weak Signals

How to see markets beyond the curve, catch weak signals, and anticipate turnarounds to leverage change and disruptions

170 posts from Weak Signals
There's no such thing as a price ceiling...
March 5, 2024 by philippe

There's no such thing as a price ceiling...

In the world of luxury hospitality, the bar for how much a night costs keeps getting higher. Not long ago, dropping $1,000 for a night's stay seemed excessive, even for the ultra-wealthy. But today, that's barely enough to get your foot in the door at...

Curbing Siri's enthusiasm...
March 1, 2024 by philippe

Curbing Siri's enthusiasm...

Even without considering my deep love for Larry David, you have to admit that this is the best encapsulation of where Apple's efforts on making AI accessible on iPhones are at: As I was pointing out this week, the zeitgeist is not kind for incumbents GAFAM missing the...

Technology giveth and technology taketh away
February 16, 2024 by philippe

Technology giveth and technology taketh away

You might not know the author and media/technology analyst Neil POSTMAN, and it's a shame. In 1998, he gave a famous talk in Denver, Colorado about technological change. The talk delimited five big ideas about how technology brings change to society and culture that still resonates with...

40 years ago, the Mac wasn't a fond memory for me
January 24, 2024 by philippe in Weak Signals

40 years ago, the Mac wasn't a fond memory for me

It's the 40th anniversary of the Macintosh, and you'll read many stories about how it was such a paradigm change for so many people in the way they saw computers, some of them becoming so enthusiastic that it was a critical inflecting point for their life...

What do influencers losing jobs to AI say about branding?
January 5, 2024 by philippe in Weak Signals

What do influencers losing jobs to AI say about branding?

Influencers being replaced by AI is the least surprising thing about our current times. The final evolution of an always-on public figure frenetically posting more or less doctored pictures of products, places, and events with carefully curated comments was always a bot. For the brands, it also means unmitigated control...