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Weak Signals

How to see markets beyond the curve, catch weak signals, and anticipate turnarounds to leverage change and disruptions

170 posts from Weak Signals
The difference between premium and luxury goods
December 11, 2023 by philippe in Weak Signals

The difference between premium and luxury goods

I was discussing with a customer in the luxury market what makes luxury "luxury." It's a discussion I always find fascinating as there is no hard definition for this huge economic sector. If you don't mind me going down this rabbit hole, this is...

A podcast with No Design (in French)
November 24, 2023 by philippe in Weak Signals

A podcast with No Design (in French)

I was lucky enough to be invited to chat on the podcast of my good friend Jean-Louis Frechin, who has been one of the leading design figures in France for so many years. The podcast is in French (sorry - not sorry): ‎Le design parmi les gens: Philippe Méda, pilote...

7nm, the new apple of discord
November 17, 2023 by philippe in Weak Signals

7nm, the new apple of discord

Despite the U.S. government's best efforts and sanctions, China seems to have secured access to cutting-edge microchip technology. Launched in August, Huawei's Mate 60 Pro uses Chinese microchips with 7nm engraving, way below what their technology is supposed to be able to achieve (finer engraving...

AI new normal in healthcare
November 15, 2023 by philippe in AI

AI new normal in healthcare

The signals of AI starting to appear in our normal day-to-day lives are now popping right and left. It's still early, but the march forward has very obviously started. The University Medical Center Groningen (UMCG) has started using AI with the EPIC Dutch Association to streamline patient communication....

Conflating brand and strategy?
November 3, 2023 by philippe in Weak Signals

Conflating brand and strategy?

Seth Godin was probably the first business author I read during my MBA who didn't feel like a theoretical physicist trying to build Ikea shelves. Although he could be blamed for the occasional airport literature, he's a brilliant raconteur capable of expressing complex ideas with brilliant...

Spotlight Weak Signals