Resilience and the mechanics of emotions

In these days of high emotions and forced introspection, I thought it best to share with you the first two videos from my #emotionsatwork series. This first one (10mins) details the mechanics of emotions. The idea is that with a better understanding and reappropriating our own internal processes, we can feel more empowered rather than overwhelmed by our emotions.
Please feel free to share the mechanics of emotions with your friends, family, colleagues and employees. It is only a first step but a good one towards better self-awareness, empathy and hence emotional intelligence. And we do need it in these times.
The second video, about the purpose of emotions, will be published soon, so stay tuned.
If you want to go further with your teams and organisation, to take this opportunity of confinement for team emotional intelligence development and healthier company culture then contact me for online courses. They will include these videos and more, introspection and collective (distance) exercises and live online sessions.
If you want to see other videos in this series, here are the direct links:
> Resilience and the mechanics of emotions
> Understanding the purpose of emotions
> What approach for emotional development?