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stephanie-mitrano Stéphanie Mitrano from Haarlem

Insightful and open-minded, Stéphanie accompanies organizations in their cultural transformation to support innovation and business agility.

179 posts by stephanie-mitrano Author since 2008
Looking Back at 2021 – Part 1
January 7, 2022 by stephanie-mitrano

Looking Back at 2021 – Part 1

As the year came to a recent close, here are my 2021 highlights in the telegraphic form: from work adaptations to personal achievements as well as challenges and gratefulness. Catch up with you soon! Work Transformed Further Building on our 2020 experiences we launched our Icopilots Webschool [https://icopilots.thinkific....

Scaling culture change
October 9, 2021 by stephanie-mitrano

Scaling culture change

Scaling culture change in the industry is a complex process. Everyone understands that this requires time until you need to come up with quick wins nonetheless. A few years ago I was already sharing about a few key ingredients to building a mentoring culture [] and...

future of feminine values - innovation copilots
May 13, 2021 by stephanie-mitrano

⚖️ Contributing to gender equality

I was recently interviewed by Karima Chibane [] from “Elles font bouger les lignes” [], the youtube channel dedicated to sharing women’s stories and how they impact gender equality. The interview is in French, but you will find below the key...

Stéphanie Mitrano podcast
March 5, 2021 by stephanie-mitrano

🎙 The rise of podcast mentoring

Third time in the past three months, I have been interviewed for a podcast or video-cast promoting women’s voices and women’s stories. You will find the latest one, Women’s Dialogues, by Dr. Shashi Goel [] below with time codes. I’ve realized...

February 15, 2021 by stephanie-mitrano

🎙 How I met my mentor – Podcast interview

Recently Lidia Lopez interviewed me for the podcast she runs with Maria Planes, “How I Met My Mentor.” Each weekly episode is an interview of a woman who shares about herself, her experiences, her expertise to benefit and inspire other women. You can find my episode on Spotify, as an...

coffee news - icopilots
January 13, 2021 by stephanie-mitrano

Being authentic at work 📺

Back in December 2020, I recorded an interview with Ana who shares empowering stories on her youtube channel []. Here is the full video where you can see me share about being authentic at work, and of course emotions with some tips about how to...