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Our practical hacks, tools, and frameworks were designed through more than 15 years of consulting on innovation for startups and multinationals.

119 posts from Toolbox See another: Hot Takes, Weak Signals, Strategy
On wicked problems and when 'methods' become dangerous
March 10, 2024 by philippe

On wicked problems and when 'methods' become dangerous

I discovered a long, fantastically written, and deep article from 2019 on Design Thinking and the story of IDEO from x in 2019. At this point, you're probably bored to death by these discussions, and the few of you still using this methodology have understood its limits and...

The difference between premium and luxury goods
December 11, 2023 by philippe in Weak Signals

The difference between premium and luxury goods

I was discussing with a customer in the luxury market what makes luxury "luxury." It's a discussion I always find fascinating as there is no hard definition for this huge economic sector. If you don't mind me going down this rabbit hole, this is...

🟢 The remarkable nature of Veblen Goods
Members October 26, 2023 by philippe in Newsletter

🟢 The remarkable nature of Veblen Goods

The notion of "Veblen Goods" rarely appears, yet it describes products or services with a singular quality. In a nutshell, the higher their price, the higher their prestige and desirability. This phenomenon directly contradicts basic economics, where, as the price of a good increases, the demand for it...

A quick recap on luxury
October 13, 2023 by philippe

A quick recap on luxury

I don't write enough about the luxury market, although when I look back at all those years, I've been pretty active on various (always exciting) missions. The sector's need for secrecy certainly doesn't help. But also, I'm coming at it...