Last week's recap
I hope that last week's work on your type of expertise has started to set in and that you have already contacted a few close connections to get some feedback, as I suggested βΊοΈ The goal remains that within a few weeks, you have identified your main type of expertise and one or two minor ones that supplement the first.
In my case, my "main" is undoubtedly a Core Skill Expertise on innovation strategy supplemented by quite a few Sectorial Expertise after more than 15 years in the field (even if I'm not an expert on mobility, digital, luxury, etc... I can quite understand the key mechanism of each of those field, to the point I can model them if I need/want to) and also some non-negligible Vision Expertise as I do have quite clear opinions on the future of innovation (those are not essential for my practice, though, and only a subset of my customers are interested in them).
OK, let's get to the next part of our journey now. This one is not about introspection anymore but about action and starting to get out there...