Using an AI mirror to check your brand

Using an AI mirror to check your brand
Photo by Rishabh Dharmani / Unsplash

Among the gazillions of new applications that ChatGPT is currently offering, one that I've found quite amusing (and efficient) is checking how good your marketing is.

How to do that?

Simply by asking the AI to explain back to you your tagline, missions statement, or the name of your company:

Explain to me what innovation copilots website is all about.
Innovation copilots is a website that provides support for innovation and helps organizations and individuals bring their ideas to life. The website serves as a platform for innovation consultants, known as "copilots," who offer expertise, guidance, and support to help people turn their ideas into successful projects.
The copilots on Innovation copilots come from various backgrounds and have diverse areas of expertise, including product development, design thinking, strategy, and entrepreneurship. They offer one-on-one support, workshops, and training sessions to help individuals and organizations build and launch innovative projects.
In addition to connecting people with innovation copilots, the website also offers a range of resources, such as articles, templates, and tools, to help support the innovation process. The goal of Innovation copilots is to provide a comprehensive and accessible resource for people looking to bring their ideas to life and to help them succeed in the world of innovation.

The process involves some level of magical thinking, but it's not unlike interrogating the I-Ching as it gives a base for self-reflection. As consultants, should we be more in a meta position? Train others around our mindset, tools, and experience? 🧐 This is a reflection worth having...

Another way of questioning the AI is to ask about your tagline directly:

What does "copiloting innovation" means?
"Copiloting innovation" refers to working together with an organization to help guide and support their innovation efforts. In this context, the term "copiloting" suggests a collaborative and supportive relationship, where the innovation copilots team is helping the organization navigate the innovation process, but the organization is also taking an active role and making decisions along the way.
In practical terms, copiloting innovation might involve providing the tools, processes, and support that an organization needs to generate new ideas, evaluate them, and bring the most promising ideas to life. This might include things like training and coaching for the organization's innovation team, facilitating idea generation workshops, and providing ongoing support as the organization moves from ideation to implementation.
The goal of copiloting innovation is to help organizations build internal capability and expertise in innovation, so that they can continue to generate and implement new ideas in the future, even after the copiloting relationship has ended.

This? This is spot on! Especially the last part (even if you probably know by now how the ideation -> implementation logic is a weak approach in our experience). In any case, well done Innovation Copilots whoever you are! πŸ€—

More seriously, don't expect ChatGPT actually to read your marketing and communication material. Even if directly asked, "Summarize the website," ChatGPT will just use the keywords in the question to invent an answer. Which in this case included quite false indications like: "Some of the key features of the platform include: Ideation management, a space for team members to submit, discuss, and vote on new ideas..."

But if you keep to the basics and understand the current limits of the tools, it might be 5 min well spent on your branding and positioning.

Interesting queries that we are locked out from are about brand positioning:

Who are the main consultancies in Europe that are innovation copilots?
I'm sorry, I don't have an up-to-date list of all the consultancies in Europe that are "innovation copilots." However, Innovation Copilots is a platform offered by a specific company with the same name. It provides a range of tools and features to support organizations in managing their innovation process, as described in my previous answer.
It is possible that there are other companies or consultancies in Europe that offer similar services and position themselves as "innovation copilots," but without more information, I can't provide a comprehensive list. If you're looking for a specific type of innovation consultancy, I suggest using search engines or professional networks such as LinkedIn to find companies that match your needs.

This is why Bing integration will be an amazing thing to follow up... Soon.

Very soon.