I won’t develop fully the tools and how to use them in this article. It’s all about giving a first tour of the concepts and how simple they are.

The first illustration is how powerful CUSTOMER-driven companies (Amazon) connect their culture, leading with strategic empathy to identify emerging problems to invest in, and finally select differentiated products.

On the other hand, PROCESS-driven companies (Facebook) drive their culture with a reconfigurable mindset centered on their core product and processes. From there they configure their added value which progressively develop their focus, empathy and lead them to address certain problems in the market. They might not be the first ones to address these problems, but they will eventually be the most efficient ones to solve them.

And lastly, FUTURE-driven companies (Apple) develop early on a purposeful focus pushing them to a very sharp added value proposition. These companies are probably the most self-centered on their vision of the market but it doesn’t mean they have no empathy structure. Quite the contrary if you think at how Apple after launching a break-through product adjust it very smartly to customers feedbacks (to the extent as sometimes shifting it away of its original intent as the Apple Watch, or killing it all together).

But again, this is essentially just a teasing of what we have been working for months with Stéphanie to reduce our tools to their most precise and simple elements, so that we can share them with you.

Much more is to come and Stéphanie will present next the full cultural framework we are using and how it connects with the business model template we’ve been using for years.

Stay tuned. : )

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