As predicted... Microsoft Fabric

As predicted... Microsoft Fabric

Just a quick pat on the shoulder here as Microsoft just announced they would move from ChatGPT-like solutions in the browser to the real disruption: running private instances of their AI/LLM solution on industrial customers data lakes.

And boy, are they full in on this!  They don't just dip their toe in the concept but deliver a comprehensive operating system layer to analyze all of an industry data, format it and make it accessible to any kind of queries.

Introducing Microsoft Fabric a unified data analytics platform, one product one experience one architecture one business model. (...) A unified experience brings together all the tools data professionals need pipelines for orchestrating data movement, experiments for training machine learning models, semantic models for defining key metrics, and much more. And for business users fabric brings together data for collaborating and doing ad hoc analysis in microsoft 365. Unified governance, security and compliance is built in for all your data and with Autopilot from Microsoft Fabric, AI helps everyone be more productive, whether it's writing SQL statements, building reports, or setting up automations based on triggers all your data, all your teams, all in one place.

I told you so? 🤗

And most importantly? This is where Google nor Apple can't go. Among the GAFAMs, leading B2B customers are Microsoft's private hunting ground. Whereas these last fifteen years innovation in the B2C sector lead the charge with social networks, ad-sponsored platforms, and consumer technology such as the iPhone, 2023 might be starting with a huge shift back to B2B deep innovation leading the market.