This is going to be an unusual short newsletter this week.
I didn't publish the usual regular newsletter yesterday and wanted to keep you in the loop on how it's going to evolve a little bit.
I've been going through a lot of back and forth on what I should do with this piece of weekly information I broadcast to you weekly. My original intent is still there: to give you a glimpse into the cookie factory and understand as I think about innovation whether you're a market leader or a newly-fangled challenger. To be blunt, most of the time, my magnetic North has been asking me what the Harvard Business Review would write about this and then doing the opposite.
No grandiose theories, conceptual visions, or dreamy ideas, but practical experience, sometimes hard truth, and battle-tested tools and frameworks when possible.
But I think I want to try something for the next few months.
As in parallel, I'm running a limited-series newsletter for professionals who would like to jump into the independent consulting business; I find more and more that the practicality of being focused on tools βI should again emphasize "tools that work" as it's anything but a givenβ is one of the core value I can deliver. And maybe I should be more focused on it.
So here's what I want to do: I'm going to narrow down the weekly (free) newsletter to one useful tool or concept for innovators. Whenever possible, I'll do it in the context of recent news in the industry or the market. It won't be an ongoing masterclass with a set structure and a progression route but rather a kitchen cabinet of usable resources. I can see it as a relaxed, non-committing way to raise awareness on some ways of doing innovation, challenge you to think differently about how you work, and maybe even see the market.
Everything else, like the hot takes and the deep dives on some topics, will still be there, not in the newsletter.
It's quite a challenge as I don't really know if I can provide tools and concepts for six months or a year. For this very reason, it's also an interesting challenge. Of course, I'd like to know if you'd be on board, so ping me your feedback ideas (wants?) on LinkedIn or directly by mail.
See you next week π