The Female Code book is put together by Linda Eastman from PWN (CEO of Professional Women Network USA). The core objective is to support women’s growth and empowerment. This time she has gathered about 30 co-authors — including yours truly — to each contribute a chapter and share their knowledge and experience. The book will be out this summer.
Here’s a glimpse at my contribution:
The chapter I’m wiring is about emotions at work, my pet subject, with a focus (otherwise it would be a whole book) on decoding emotions at work. I’ve already written short pieces about it on the blog, and I’ve been sharing this for many years in corporate trainings.
I’ve just started to write this week and it is flowing out of me. I was surprised at how easy it is getting written. Now I expect I’ll have to edit and proofread to ensure it fits not only in length but also in style. But what I’m sharing are things I’ve said so many times over the years that it is literally writing itself. Thankfully I’ll be supported by Linda and her team in the editing and proofreading process.
I’m hoping that the Female Code book will be as accessible as possible to many women around the world. Experience has shown me that even though quite a simple tool, the emotion decoder or emotional universal translator has always been an insight triggering moment with training participants.
Now for the male readers, The Female Code is not a secret women society dark magic manuscript, you will be able to read this book too ;o) It will help you understand your feminine side and also the women in your life.
So stay tuned as I will inform you in a few month about how to get the book. Also, I will give away a few copies to women and men who will dare to share on LinkedIn how they have been empowered by emotions at work.