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Nurturing and scaling a purposeful innovation culture while building effective leadership.

69 posts from Culture See another: Hot Takes, Weak Signals, Strategy
Facebook and Apple enter a bank...
July 6, 2022 by philippe in Culture

Facebook and Apple enter a bank...

Some stories read like a joke but also illustrate entirely different corporate cultures and innovation strategies. In 2019, Facebook (now Meta) announced the launch of Libra, a proprietary cryptocurrency to be launched in 2020. After the second or third rebranding (Novi), trying to package the whole project through different third-parties...

Can Porsche launch startups, and should they?
July 4, 2022 by philippe in Culture

Can Porsche launch startups, and should they?

Porsche is doing something interesting in the market. While most automakers dabbed into startups with hackathons (#killmenow), mostly failed or underappreciated intrapreneurship programs, and plain venture investment, Porsche is getting to the next step. They aim to launch six real startups within the next three years in partnership with the...

Next step in DEI (Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion)
June 23, 2022 by stephanie-mitrano in Culture

Next step in DEI (Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion)

For many years we have seen many approaches to Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, from unconscious biases training to evangelize about the benefits of diversity in the boardroom. Whilst understanding the benefits of DEI creates awareness and potentially motivates people, leaders, and organizations to initiate some changes in themselves, it is...

Stopping the auto-pilot leadership
June 9, 2022 by stephanie-mitrano in Culture

Stopping the auto-pilot leadership

Last week I was having a deep meaningful conversation with my dear friend Margreeth van der Oord about the “business as usual” state of the world: despite the many crisis, everyone is focused on maintaining life as it is and not many question or act differently. This lead me to...

How to introspect as a team
June 2, 2022 by stephanie-mitrano in Culture

How to introspect as a team

To go even further on the topic of team introspection, I thought I’d share some guidelines or tips to help you and your team. The challenges we want to overcome are: to create trust and dispel fears of negative consequences in order to allow an open and truthful sharing,...

Why truth is difficult to share at work
May 23, 2022 by stephanie-mitrano in Culture

Why truth is difficult to share at work

Last week I started to share about the differences between team debriefing and team introspection []. The former being quite straightforward and directly connected to an observable performance as the latter being a deeper exploration of more relational issues in an organisation or team. Both are...

Spotlight Culture