Reboot your innovation mindset

Do you want to reboot your innovation mindset? Then, you have to look forward, not in your rearview mirror so much. You might look a tad crazy in the process. It actually means you start to let go of everyone’s preconceived ideas and shared wisdom. You enter the slightly weird zone of seeing what is changing in the market, more than the building blocks that got us there.
It means that for you, Tesla is an energy company.
Fortnite is the social media of choice for the post-Facebook generation.
Apple aims to be the first and only platform that ensures privacy for your family’s daily life.
Amazon or Alibaba is the next operating system for every retail, grocery and food. So probably pharmaceuticals, too, at some point.
Hyperloop sells updates on urbanism and real estate opportunities (what most public transportation companies or Vinci should do, but they don’t anymore).
Facebook and Google are now just incumbent companies that successfully reinvented the ad business ten years ago and probably lack a business model for 2030.
At some point you might even ask yourself what your company is delivering in the proximal future. It might lead to an unpleasant answer, of course (is there anything?), but you’ll have to reboot anyway. You can start to innovate.