The iPhone 7 tests your innovation mindset

So ‘the iPhone 7 is boring’ has become a recurring mantra. We think that the phone has evolved into a Swiss-army knife device, but is still a phone. Doing so, we try to see the future in our rear-view mirror and focus on things that we can grasp easily; such as specifications. Is the device thinner? Is it as waterproof as another one? How is the screen quality?

Why is it not as innovative as this one?
Why not look at where the future is going steadily, year after year before we complain that tech acceleration has disrupted our complacent business?
As far as I’m concerned, this is the iPhone7:

Ground-breaking imaging system.

Automated social tracking.

Leading entertainment platform.
No, seriously.

Pervasive UI. 15, 2016
What’s next?
Transportation OS?
Energy provider?
Smart city ecosystem?
The future is anything but already decided; although it’s coming at you at a steady sixty minutes per hour. But as you stay put, some are already seeing where the future could be, and prepare it.
They may be right or wrong. They may be right and unsuccessful, or wrong and successful anyway. But one thing is sure, they see past phones form factor…
People who are really serious about software should make their own hardware. Alan KAY——- [UPDATE – Sept. 2016]