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stephanie-mitrano Stéphanie Mitrano from Haarlem

Insightful and open-minded, Stéphanie accompanies organizations in their cultural transformation to support innovation and business agility.

179 posts by stephanie-mitrano Author since 2008
How to introspect as a team
June 2, 2022 by stephanie-mitrano in Culture

How to introspect as a team

To go even further on the topic of team introspection, I thought I’d share some guidelines or tips to help you and your team. The challenges we want to overcome are: to create trust and dispel fears of negative consequences in order to allow an open and truthful sharing,...

Why truth is difficult to share at work
May 23, 2022 by stephanie-mitrano in Culture

Why truth is difficult to share at work

Last week I started to share about the differences between team debriefing and team introspection []. The former being quite straightforward and directly connected to an observable performance as the latter being a deeper exploration of more relational issues in an organisation or team. Both are...

Team debriefing vs. Team introspection
May 19, 2022 by stephanie-mitrano in Culture

Team debriefing vs. Team introspection

I have been wanting for a long time to share about various team practices that I have found useful over the years working with different teams, from startup co-founders to senior corporate managers of large industrial companies. And my views have also evolved over the years, moving from very masculine...

Feminine innovation culture
April 28, 2022 by stephanie-mitrano in Culture

Feminine innovation culture

On 6th of May 2022, Meaningful Design Agency [] has invited me to share my experience and tips (in French) about the feminine side of innovation []. Here is the translation of what they shared in their newsletter to introduce the talk: >...

Receiving clients' public praises
April 4, 2022 by stephanie-mitrano in Weak Signals

Receiving clients' public praises

Last week, one of my dearest clients, Erasmus Center for Women and Organisations (Rotterdam School of Management), without me having to ask for it, shared about my book on their public Linkedin profile. Beyond the initial ego boost, it made me ask the following questions: how do we raise each...

🟢 3 Things You Might Not Know About Asking Questions
Members January 24, 2022 by stephanie-mitrano in Strategy

🟢 3 Things You Might Not Know About Asking Questions

Questions are the key for innovation, progress, growth, exploration, and so many business issues and personal development too. For if there is no question, there is no drive to search for answers.  For as long as I remember I’ve been a questioner. I’ve questioned myself a lot, learned...

Spotlight Culture