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Hot Takes

Straightforward discussions on why often we disagree with the current hype, without filters or buzzwords.

293 posts from Hot Takes
China might be on the brink of 'involution'
April 19, 2024 by philippe

China might be on the brink of 'involution'

The term "involution" has recently appeared more and more in China. At the core of the issue is China's manufacturing overcapacity issue, which has built over two decades of global trading with the West, and how it developed in a flood of cheap goods that benefit...

Humane AI Pin? Not even close...
April 11, 2024 by philippe in Hot Takes

Humane AI Pin? Not even close...

Tech journalists have started reviewing the first Humane "AI" Pins out of production, and as expected, they're a disaster—or, if you want to be nice about it, one of the most expensive proofs of concept in recent years. That raises the second question: should you...

Infrastructure is eating the world...
April 10, 2024 by philippe

Infrastructure is eating the world...

Marc Andreessen is certainly famous for coining the notion that "software is eating the world." It was circa 2011, and since then, software has eaten the world. Meaning that every aspect of business and any corner of any market is now a) connected and b) dependent on only...

Amazon and mistiming Moore's law
April 5, 2024 by philippe in Hot Takes

Amazon and mistiming Moore's law

As noted in my newsletter this week, Amazon is phasing out its checkout-less grocery stores with "Just Walk Out" technology (I'm making this separate post about it for future reference...). The technology, which relied on cameras and sensors to track purchases, is being replaced due to...

The Apple car silent killer
April 4, 2024 by philippe

The Apple car silent killer

There's been much discussion recently about why Apple finally canceled its Apple Car project. The media consensus seems to be that Apple will have to face a product with too thin margins. This seems quite weird to me. Or you would have to believe that this giant, led...

What corporations usually get wrong about open innovation
April 1, 2024 by philippe in Strategy

What corporations usually get wrong about open innovation

As we're witnessing in real-time, Microsoft and other GAFAMs are plucking every remotely interesting AI startup remotely interesting out of the market (either by acquiring them or having enough investment to control them); open innovation seems the best possible way of catching up with the fast-paced market turnaround....