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Grey swans are hitting the real estate market
June 24, 2024 by philippe in Strategy

Grey swans are hitting the real estate market

One of the most useful concepts you need to deal with the explosive uncertainties building up in every market is certainly the notion of Grey Swans. And here we are: banks and financial institutions are beginning to recognize the severe implications of climate change on the housing market. What was...

McDonald’s hits the brakes on AI Drive-Thru Orders
June 17, 2024 by philippe in AI

McDonald’s hits the brakes on AI Drive-Thru Orders

Since 2021, and in close partnership with Microsoft, McDonald’s has been testing AI chatbots for drive-thru orders in about 100 locations. They just decided to pause this large-scale test. Why? Well, despite trail-blazing advancements with this technology, the small percentage of errors in AI systems has outsized consequences when...

Apple and AI, what's going on?
June 13, 2024 by philippe in AI

Apple and AI, what's going on?

Two days ago, Apple announced that it would integrate artificial intelligence deep into its mobile OS. They call it Apple Intelligence because, well, Apple has to be Apple. The headline is that Siri will get some IQ points back and will eventually act like what we expect from a standard...

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