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Game-changing innovation doesn't fit within stage-gate processes. It's not random either. It can be seeded, carefully grown and strategically harvested.

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July 16, 2013 by philippe

New class on Business Model Design for Kedge Business School MBA

A few months ago, Kedge Business School [] was born from the strategic reunion of BEM (Bordeaux Ecole de Management) and Euromed Management. This new school is already an impressive business education platform, with more than 10,000 students in France, North-Africa, and China. As a consulting...

June 8, 2013 by philippe

Quelques évènements à venir…

Ces derniers mois ont été assez légers en évènements auxquels nous avons eu le temps de participer. Mais dans les mois qui viennent nous avons pas mal de rendez-vous où...