A brief explanation of our logo…

I was asked to explain our innovation copilots logo enough times already that I feel I should just do it on the blog. Here it goes… In 2017, we moved from France to the Netherlands and decided to rebrand our agency from Merkapt to innovation (changing the market as our core skills) copilots (how we do it).

The ‘I’ of innovation is central and a constant reminder of our focus.

It’s slanted because innovation comes from a shift in perspective. And it’s only slightly slanted because in real life it’s rarely about radical turnarounds, but rather decisive sidesteps or « pas de côté ».

That’s simple enough I guess.

Now, the copilots word is another story. It’s only half visible because we are never center-stage.

A famous digital design agency working as a third party for Apple was saying in 2007 when Stéphanie and I created our business “We’re the most well known secret in the industry”.

This is who we strive to be. We’re not engineers, leaders, or communicants. We might be on stage for a keynote or to facilitate a workshop but our real job is backstage.

When the level of uncertainty gets extreme, we take commands with our customers and help them sidestep to a new opportunity, a new mindset and eventually a new culture if need be. Some customers call us well ahead of a storm, some call us when they’re already facing turmoils. But the market should not be aware of our role.

You can read more about how we see our mission as innovation consultants here.