Download our white paper on strategic mentoring

[ EDIT – June 19, 2020: The updated version of the white paper can be found here. ]

Section 1 is an introduction to mentoring and focuses on the connection between mentoring and strategy, which has been underestimated by organisations and their leaders for a while. Switching perspective is key: from a “nice to have HR tool” to a “key strategic behaviour” to spread throughout the organisation.

Section 2 gives you three paragmatic examples where mentoring can support a focused business strategy:

  • Fostering women parity;
  • Rekindling innovation and intrapreneurship;
  • And finally accelerating international growth.

Section 3 shares key principles to design a mentoring programme.

And, section 4 describes how to pragmatically start a mentoring culture depending on your business and organisational context: the ancien pyramid, the silo factory and the techno network.

So, feel free to download our white paper on strategic mentoring and share the document to whoever you believe may be interested by the topic at the moment:

Also, I’d be happy to discuss any points with you or even do a keynote speech on the subject to your executive committee.

All Graphics on this white paper designed by our friends at Pollen Studio.